Find out more about the numerous application possibilities of the separation multitalent SPLITTER

Domestic and commercial waste

For our high-performance SPLITTER, household waste is more raw material than just waste. Its optimal loosening and dosing enables the separation of different materials.

Solution for domestic & commercial waste

Bio waste and biomass

With the introduction of the bio waste bin and legal regulations we experience that separation technologies for bio waste are becoming more and more effective.

Solutions for biowaste & biomass

Waste wood and bulky waste

Wood is becoming an increasingly sought-after raw material that needs to be separated from other types of waste. Our SPLITTER offers you an optimal separation.

Solutions for waste wood & bulky waste

Mixed building rubble

The SPLITTER effortlessly processes coarsely pre-sorted mixed construction waste, bulky waste and commercial waste and separates them into almost unmixed stone and fuel fractions.

Solutions for mixed building rubble

Landfill mining

The recovery of building land and the recycling of residual materials are increasingly bringing the topic of landfill dismantling into focus. This application is ideal for the SPLITTER thanks to its flexibility.

Solutions for landfill mining


Ash and slag from incineration plants and substitute fuel power plants are not only waste, but often also hold great raw material potential. The SPLITTER helps to separate them.

Solutions for Slag

Lightweight packaging

With lightweight packaging, most of the volume is generated at the beginning of the process chain. The SPLITTER with its high throughput is perfect for this.

SPLITTER für Leichtverpackungen

Sewer sand and road sweepings

Road sweepings and sewer sand can also be processed with our SPLITTERs. These are suitable for both dry and wet materials.

SPLITTER for sewer sand

Scrap metal

Metals are recycled to almost 100%. The SPLITTER considerably contributes to the recycling of scrap metal as a pre-separator.

Solutions for scrap metal

Stones and soils

The mineral raw materials are positioned right at the forefront of the value adding chain - currently approx. 90% of these are used in the building industry.

Solutions for stones and soils

Further Applications

Our multi-talented SPLITTER is also happy to take on any challenge in other applications, no matter how difficult, such as car recycling.

Solutions for further applications